Tips to Help Make Your Small Business Credit Card Processing More Affordable
Small business credit card processing is a necessary challenge to overcome. You need to be able to process payments, and some of the advanced features can be useful to the right business, but they do tend to take away from your bottom line profits. If you’re looking for an opportunity to save on some of those costs, these tips should be able to help you without putting too much of that burden on your customers. Dr. Sid Solomon, a cosmetic dental specialist, advices: “When we were initially looking for a merchant account provider, we did not know much about it. We talked to several providers and picked one with the…
How is Money Transferred Globally? Is it Safe?
Summary: The complex system of transfers involve numerous pit stops in various countries along with embedded security systems to prevent sensitive information from leaking. More than likely, you’ve transferred money to a relative or acquaintance that you know at least once in your life. But, have you done so to another person overseas? This is much more complicated and requires additional security measures to ensure it reaches its destination safely without compromising sensitive information like account numbers or addresses. Now, there are numerous solutions to overcoming the difficulties of micro-transactions and bank transfers, but there is still an overwhelming issue of security for each credit card processor. The fact that…
The Best Questions to Ask Before You Open a Merchant Account
If you want to use a merchant service provider, you’re eventually going to need to speak with a merchant service provider. These calls can be intimidating for newbies who are more interested in selling a product than finding a mechanism to accept payment. This guide will help you direct some pointed questions at your representative. After reading this guide, you’ll be able to choose the best payment gateway for your business based on the benefits that directly help you the most. Ask About Pricing One way to tell you’re working with a good company is to ask about pricing structures, which is a fairly common question. Your rep should be…