Business Tips
Tips on Becoming an Effective Young Leader
Age shouldn’t be a factor when it comes to the success of a business or company. If you believe that your age is a setback to becoming a great leader, then you’ve already lost half the battle. There are numerous young leaders that are finding success way beyond their years. They’re molded into a great leader through their successes and their failures. Every leader must go through these life pains, and only through these events can there be a better sense of clarity. Here are some points that you can emphasize in your workplace to make you stand out. Promote Communication “Talented people want to learn,” says Richard Davis, Chief…
The importance of scanning the links on your website
As a web developer, I do a thorough scan of all links on all pages of any website I am developing as soon as it is complete. There is software such as Xenu’s link slueth which goes page by page link by link. You specify how many levels deep to scan. The end result is a long list of links and the status of all those links. I do this every for every single website, multiple times. Here is why: Broken links The impact of broken links on your website a twofold. Firstly, there are search engines. Search engines cannot index any pages if the links are broken. In addition…
Should you have a flashy website or a minimalist one?
In the 21st century, having a website for your business should already be considered as a given. It’s important to keep up and make sure that you get maximum exposure when it comes to your business, product, and target market. To better understand this, imagine yourself being a fisherman. You catch fish, sell your catch in your village, but what next? If you want to sell your fish in the market where you can sell to more people, you’re going to need to find a way to get to that market and sell your fish while they’re still fresh. In effect, this is what the internet is to your and…